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Benefits of Receiving Acupuncture from a Chiropractor
September 22, 2023 at 4:00 AM
Body Aches because corona symptom

Many Americans are used to dealing with the usual aches and pains that come with age. But if you have pain stemming from an injury or chronic illness, it can be a consistent part of your life. A 2015 study found that more than 126 million adults in the United States reported pain signals during a three-month period.

If you’re experiencing consistent pain, you should look toward finding a way to manage it. This could include acupuncture or other alternative methods. This article will discuss the various benefits of receiving acupuncture from a chiropractor.

What is an acupuncture treatment?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment that deals with pain by unlocking the body’s energy levels. It observes the energy flow traveling through the body’s meridians, called qi. As long as the qi flow remains unimpeded, the body is free of daily aches and pains.

With acupuncture, the chiropractor inserts very thin needles into the body’s meridians to unblock stuck energy and achieve wellness. These needles generally remain inserted in the body for 10-30 minute sessions, during which the immune system has enough time to respond. Acupuncture treatments by chiropractors generally cause very little discomfort, allowing you to relax and focus on inner peace.

Benefits of receiving acupuncture treatment

Along with stimulating the body’s natural energy flow, acupuncture treatments can benefit a patient’s healing process in many ways. It begins by boosting the body’s natural painkillers, relieving pain, and helping you reduce pain medication. In addition, acupuncture helps stimulate the muscles, nerves, and connective tissue, making you feel healthier.

Acupuncture can also help you address other ailments like the following:

  • Arthritis
  • Digestive issues
  • Lower back pain
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Migraines
  • Muscle tension
  • Neck pain
  • Respiratory issues

How do chiropractic and acupuncture care differ?

Acupuncture is typically very different from chiropractic care. Besides finding common ground as a noninvasive approach, acupuncture and chiropractic care exhibit differences. For example, chiropractic patients want to manage and relieve pain, while acupuncture patients want to deal with certain conditions like infertility and lifestyle issues. But just because they are different doesn’t mean they can’t be combined. If you have a treatment plan comprised of both, you can receive pain relief and be on a track toward a healthier lifestyle.

How do chiropractic and acupuncture treatments help lead you to better health?

When it comes to dual chiropractic treatment, it’s essential to know how these two approaches complement each other toward helping you achieve noninvasive pain relief. Chiropractic care helps encourage the central nervous through spinal adjustments to promote healing, while acupuncture needles help reestablish a healthy energy flow throughout your body.

Reach out to Comfort Chiropractic and Acupuncture today for acupuncture!

At Comfort Chiropractic, our team aims to see our patients live a healthy, pain-free lifestyle. We are dedicated to helping you on your journey to living a pain free life by adopting an integrated team approach, ensuring faster recovery, and allowing you to continue doing what you love most.

We take great pride in monitoring your progress and working with you to ensure swift and effective healing. We offer various treatment options to address injuries and multiple conditions through acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments. Whether you need a few treatments or a comprehensive plan to help you get to where you want to be, we will work with you to find the perfect solution for your needs.

Contact us at 919-872-1050 or fill out the form on our website to get set up with an appointment today!

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